Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Asking for travel information

Asking for travel information

Silvia---Hello, a return ticket to Exeter, please
Franc --Ok, but you need to change at Didcot
Silvia---That's fine. How long does the journey take?
Franc --
About... four hours.
Silvia---How much is a return tiket?
Franc --
It depends. How old are you?
Silvia---I'm fourteen.
Franc --
Well, you need a child's ticket, then. Thet's 23.15€

At the ticket office

At the ticket office

Ticket clerk---Hello
Franc---------Hi, I'd like one tiket, please.
Ticket clerk---Certainly. How old are you?
Franc---------I'm fourteen.

Ticket clerk---All right so,that's one child. That's 5€ altogether, please
Franc---------Ok. Here you are.
Ticket clerk---Thanks. HEre's your change and your tickets. Enjoy your visit.
Making arrangaments

Franc--- Hi Silvia. I've got a new computer game.
Do you want to play with me?
Silvia---Yeah, of corse. When?
Franc---How about saturday night?
Silvia---Sorry! I'm busy. I'm going to a sleepover at Ana's house
Franc---I'm free on sunday afternoon. What about you?
Silvia---I'm not doing anything.
Franc---Great. Let's meet on Sunday, then. Do you want to come round to my house at five o'clock?
Silvia---Yes all raight. See you then

Phoning a friend

Phoning a friend

Franc's mum – Hello?
Silvia --------- Hi, it's Silvia. Is Franc there, please?
Franc's mum – Er, yeah, hang on a minute. I'll just get his. Franc!
Franc –------- Hello?
Silvia --------Hi Franc, It's Silvia. Do you want to come round
tonight? I'm going to watch a film.
Franc ------– Yeah, OK. What time?
Silvia -------– About ten o clock.
Franc –------ OK. See you later!